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Taylor Williams
Aug 22, 20243 min read
I Am, You Are, We Are a Fig Tree
I am a fig tree in every lifetime. From the tips of my branches, purple, interlinked, I am a mosaic. A sea of purple, each fig a fragment...
Evan Lopez
Aug 22, 20241 min read
You Could Have Been a Modern Day Thom Yorke
There is a certain solace in allowing yourself to dream amongst the pretentious and self-proclaimed blessed. And there are people who say...
Ikechi Okwuadigbo
Aug 22, 20242 min read
I wish I knew of the sunken place. He’s only recently quelled anger. Though he knew it before tolerance and forgiveness. He was given to...
Marley Brown
Aug 22, 20243 min read
You are standing there as your friend talks. You had been paying attention for as long as you could remember; you had been interested, at...
Marley Brown
Aug 21, 20244 min read
I shall need a very strong glass of port if I am to tell this tale, dearest. Yes, thank you. Mmm. Yes, very fine. Come! Sit around me...
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