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Evan Lopez

You Could Have Been a Modern Day Thom Yorke

There is a certain solace in allowing yourself to dream amongst the pretentious and self-proclaimed blessed. And there are people who say the opposite.

You could have been a writer

But you were told the pay would be bad.

Only certain writers manage to reel in the beauty of the world

And your fishing lines are lacking and short

So you don’t think you can write

You could have been a painter

Since they claim that you can’t express the beauty of the world in words

You could maybe express it on the canvas

But they made fun of your flamboyant nature

So you don’t think you can paint

You could have been a musician

But they say you should have started earlier

And that better have tried and failed

You have this weird fetish of trying to copy old 90s english rock

So you don’t think you can make music

But perhaps amid the doubting voices, that have mainly come from slivers of self doubt, lies a harsh reality that many are hesitant to accept . The beauty of creation is not bound or restrained by the applause of critics or the acceptance of yourself as a person, rather that the beauty of creation is found in moments of solitude where you are allowed to dream . In every word that was hesitated to be placed on the page, every note that faltered in the air, and every brushstroke that never reached the canvas, was a missed opportunity to represent yourself in the most glamorous way possible. Be the god to your artwork, and create in your own image.

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